Course Structure
Part 1:
The Fundamentals of Life Coaching Introduction to coaching, purpose, roles and responsibilities
Difference between coach and mentor
Skills, qualities, attributes of a coach and mentor
Building relationships, rapport, environment
Effective communication skills as a coach, listening skills, questioning techniques, feedback
Procedures e.g. confidentiality, data protection, code of conduct, boundaries
Part 2:
The Art of Language and Communication Methods of building rapport, consciously and unconsciously, mirroring, body language, trust, personality and behaviour traits
Effective language, representational system, VAKS, predicates, unconscious clues, eye accessing clues, understanding the power of language in coaching, positive mood and environment, working with resistant clients, language patterns, meta model (NLP)
Questioning skills for client centred solutions Attend 2 x virtual workshop (Demonstrations and practice)
Part 3:
Coaching Process Coaching models, build on level 3: How to apply, questions to use, explore more models: GROW, OSKAR, APPROACH, ACHIEVE analysing each
Type of mentoring programmes and strategies, leadership models for team/organisational coaching: Johari’s window, KASH, Wheel of life etc.
Consultation process and agreement, client autonomy, responsibility and commitment