
Monthly online CPD training for every member of your fitness team.

With Prozone, you can give your staff ongoing access to training materials that helps them improve their day to day practice in their fitness or personal training role.


Keep your fitness team up to date with content on everything from how to help clients perfect their form to details on programming and the latest training techniques and trends.


Provide your employees with all the advice they need to further their knowledge of behaviour change, coaching best practices and how to communicate effectively with a range of clients.


Give your staff easily digestible content around nutritional health, appetite, the latest trends and information and general tips they can use in practice with their clients.


Whether it’s for your employees or freelancers, the business Prozone content will help them to 10x their performance to increase your sales, retention and business opportunities.

The Best FIT for your organisation.

It’s a win-win. You’ll add value to your employees, your clients and your business.

On average our customers rate us 4.5/5

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